GERICHT Restaurant

GERICHT Restaurant

Web Development UI&UX Design
React + Vite
GERICHT Restaurant

Project overview

At OXUS, while we're renowned for our no-code solutions, we ventured into a new realm with the development of an advanced landing page, proving our adaptability and comprehensive skill set. Employing Vite, React, and SCSS, this project was an exploration beyond our usual scope, aimed at showcasing our ability to deliver sophisticated web solutions that cater to all aspects of digital needs.

Project execution

We selected a cutting-edge design concept from online forum, known for its forward-thinking and community-driven design ideas. This approach allowed us to bridge the gap between conceptual design and functional implementation, showcasing our ability to bring community-driven innovations to life. Our coding experts, skilled in using React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS for its fast build tool, React for its dynamic UI capabilities, and SCSS for advanced styling, worked meticulously to translate the chosen design into a fully functional landing page. The process involved detailed planning, from aligning the design with technical feasibility to ensuring the final implementation would be seamless and interactive. Throughout the development phase, our focus remained on fidelity to the original design, adaptability in execution, and optimizing for performance. Rigorous testing phases followed, ensuring that the live version mirrored the conceptual excellence of the original design, with added considerations for usability and responsiveness across devices.

Project results

The successful launch of the landing page marked a significant achievement for our team at OXUS. This project served as a demonstration of our ability to extend beyond the boundaries of no-code development, embracing the intricacies of coding to bring complex designs to life. Also, through this project, we've illustrated our commitment to innovation, our ability to adapt to diverse project demands, and our dedication to delivering exceptional digital experiences.

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